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Corporate Asset Solutions

Corporate Asset Solutions uses Paytia secure phone-payment technology to give borrowers an efficient, auditable and secure method to make phone payments

Dialling for relationships (and pounds)

"To save time and effort their collections team and counter-parties, they wanted the ability to settle outstanding debts using card payments while on a call."

Corporate Asset Solutions (CAS) provides asset-backed financing to businesses purchasing capital equipment, and loan-book management services to those that want to offer similar financing solutions to their customers.

Much of CAS’s business is conducted over the phone — in particular the collection of late financing payments. To save time and effort their collections team and counter-parties, they wanted the ability to settle outstanding debts using card payments while on a call.

They needed a payment solution that was easy to setup and use, auditable and above all, secure — giving payers the same data protection they would have paying in person or online.


“In corporate finance, today’s borrower could be a customer

tomorrow, so trust matters.”

The Challenge

As a firm regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), CAS were well attuned to the need to protect customer data and the consequences of non-compliance.

They recognised that to comply with the Payment-Card Industry Data-Security Standards (PCI DSS), they would need extensive and restrictive security controls around those employees taking customer card details.


Any recording of card data would also dramatically increase their data-security burden under the European General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Their need

The firm required a solution that, first and foremost, removed the need for borrowers to disclose card information to CAS staff — descoping them from onerous PCI DSS and GDPR obligations.

Plus, since in corporate finance, today’s borrower can turn out to be tomorrow’s customer, the solution had to be easy to use and deliver a seamless calling experience.

CAS had further requirements driven by their FCA-regulated status, namely:

• To be able to identify which members of staff took which payments, for future internal and FCA-audit purposes;
• To reconcile payments taken against their other accounting records;
• Place payments in different bank accounts which CAS were required to maintain in order to ensure the appropriate segregation of client money;
• Finally, as a small business, CAS was keen to ensure that the deployment would not require complex, costly and time-consuming system-integration work.

The solution

CAS selected Paytia’s Secure Virtual Terminal, which comfortably met their brief providing a solution that:

• Removed the need for payers to divulge their card data, descoping CAS from 90% of their PCI DSS obligations at a stroke;
• Ensured payments could processed quickly and easily during the call;
• Enabled CAS staff to assign payments to the appropriate client account during the call;
• Provided a comprehensive record of each call and transaction, including account and transaction references, and which staff member took the payment;
• Was deployed without the need for any telephony integration.


“Paytia Secure Virtual Terminal has helped us meet multiple compliance
obligations — all of which can result in substantial fines if not met. It has also
simplified the process of collecting payments without the need for us to adapt systems or change telephone services. Crucially, our payers are reassured that we care about the protection of their data. In corporate finance, today’s borrower could be a customer tomorrow so trust matters"


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